Powerful Legal Advocacy

How To Determine The Health Of A Used Car’S Engine

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2022 | Auto Dealer Fraud, Consumer Protection Class Actions

Your financial circumstances may determine that you should purchase a used car rather than a new one. Although federal and Kansas state laws aim to protect consumers against fraudulent dealership practices inspecting a used car before finalizing a purchase will help you avoid numerous headaches.

The car’s engine is essential for running correctly; therefore, it is the first part to inspect.

Check the oil

The oil reduces friction from moving parts and absorbs heat. It should have a tan color, but it needs changing if it is dark brown. Dark oil contains grime that prevents it from cleaning the engine and lubricating moving parts. Oil with a burnt odor indicates a problem.

Check the coolant

Coolant or anti-freeze liquid runs through the engine to prevent it from overheating while running. First, check the coolant level in the reservoir that connects to the radiator. The liquid should have an orange or green greenish color. If the radiator has stains with these colors, the coolant is leaking and not cooling the engine properly.

Start the car

A healthy engine should start a car without delays and not make banging or tapping sounds, which indicate improper fuel ignition. Smoke that continues to emit from the car’s tailpipe while running signifies that coolant or oil leaks into the combustion chamber or that a faulty fuel injector delivers too much fuel to the chamber.

Drive the car

A healthy engine ensures that a car maintains its speed, accelerates and stops without delays. In addition, you should not hear any knocking or clanking sounds or see excessive smoke emissions while the car is moving.

Although inspecting a car before purchasing it can help protect you against auto dealer fraud, consumer protection laws are also on your side.